337 人参与
Omo I remembered these cuties just goofing around in the dance studio on V live but forgot thats how I discovered 🔥 and then BTS too. Awww, good times. Thanks 👑 OMG! This is so chaotic as expected of OMG and it’s only 4 of them. 😆💜Old but epic! #memories #goofyversion #goofyversion #ohmyboy#goofyversion #mademesmile#memories #
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🐟 瓶中魚: 最初應該曾經被嚇到幾次吧 😂💦 搖晃主子:你怎麼了!!!!
some foxes to brighten your day #adorable# # #
🛡🌽🍍丫丫🍼💞🛡: cool. ok . beautiful .[/054][/055][/084][/082]