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人生太短,岁月太长。命运给了机遇,时间给了过程,不管怎样。我们,用加法的方式去爱人,用减法的方式去怨恨,用乘法的方式去感恩,不要伤害别人,过好自己的生活,善良的活着 #i love you# # #
🧊洪億峰: 无论下多大雨,最后都会有彩虹,无论妳有多悲伤,要相信幸福在前面等候
Everyone sees who i appear to be. But only a few know the real me. The struggle, trauma and fighting with myself. You can only see what i choose to show. There’s so much behind this smile you don’t even know. And now i am learning to trust the journey even i don’t even understand it. Oh ya, i learn too that i can’t trust people so easily after this. Farewell
#loveislove# #Couple List#loveislove#LoveWins#
🐣 Aqi 🦖: Mantok
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云旗: Grannyyyy 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🐱