29 人參與
Because women power. 🦸♀️💪🏻 #feminist# #girlpower#feminist#modernwomen#feminist#wearestrong#
Thoughts become things.
#TATTOO# #feminist#TATTOO#happy#TATTOO#love#feminist#tomboymodel#
ok, um found sth interesting. Most Asians posts here , prefer wording like: love, sad, lonely, tired, missing, memories, some write poems with an HD photoshoped selfie. While westerners posts here, mostly talk sexy, horny, message me, chat me, bored and a picture with big boobs, no photoshop editing, the picture can be pretty blurring. I think of two things. one is the different expectation of romance. the other is how you value your appearance/body. What do you think? #culture difference# #relationship#culture difference#feminist#
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Mirror: at some point Asians are not as straightforward as westerners in expressing what we want.
Anyone willing to pay to get access to my snap chat account ? #feminist #snapchat #snapchat #nyc