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The Squirrel Conspir
I came to the forest to see squirrels. I've always wanted to stroke them. 🐿 Strangely enough, I even stroked a shark, but not a squirrel. As soon as I saw her, the squirrel turned its ass towards me. 🤣 There are two options - either this is a high degree of trust, or this is the route that the squirrel sent me...🍑 What other options are there?🤔#animals# #inMyFeelings#animals#natureshot#animals#lifetime#inMyFeelings#beauty#
Furry friends are way too adorable and funny! I
turn 7 each time I see one. It’s as though the child
in me has been fully revived again. They ignite the
little flame in my heart and help me see the better
part of this sick and fallen world.
andiahosse: 😃😃😃
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琥琥: Really scary, way too big😂😂😂