#My first experience#
4 人參與


#My first experience# Bartending isn't exactly what I had imagined, but thanks be to my friends. I was familiar with alcohol. I wasn't a party girl, strictly speaking, but I had experimented with various kinds of drink combinations. Having turned 21, my friend had recommended me to this strip club. It was a short drive from the apartment I resided in along with my best friend from high school and her girlfriend at the time. I had been working at the club for about a month and got along with people there for the most part. Brad was my usual partner, if you will, the other being this single mother of kids named Abigail. She was the bar mom of sorts. Both of them looked out for me and helped me get the hang of things but I shouldn't leave out Tabitha, one of the senior girls at the club. She was a college student, 28 years of age, and someone I did find to be quite beautiful. Though this wasn't a sexual attraction. She had scrumptious breasts, 34D, if I recall correctly, hazel eyes, auburn hair, fair skin, and a full sleeve tattoo on her left arm. A red haired woman surrounded by flames, along with a few piercings. She was very sweet to me and we had similar personalities and shared similar music tastes. Besides Brad, she was my closest friend at the bar and I did her some solid's by pointing some of the more paying customers her way, from which she would get private dances from. The bartenders also get a small tip from each dance purchased. Whenever I went on a smoke break, she would usually go ... with me and we would bullshit around for a bit, talking about customers, my previous relationships, and on occasion politics. She was a little misinformed, by my reckoning, but I didn't let our differences get in the way of our friendship. She also hoped to have me over for a few drinks, else take a trip to Atlanta and go bar hopping where we would just crash at a Hotel. Brad had implied that she was interested in me, but I felt he was just teasing me due to how much time I spent with her, but looking back, she did get very touchy with me and always seemed to make sure I was in high spirits. Still, I just assumed it was her caring nature. Well, that all changed one wintry night when my car's battery had died. I had anticipated that the battery's life was coming due, but it decided to off itself earlier than I had planned. Mostly everyone else had left and I was about to call my best friend, but I managed to catch Tabitha, who was outside her car smoking. "Tabitha!" I shouted as I went to her. She looked at me and noticed my mild annoyance. "Everything okay, Aria?" She asked. "My car's battery died... Thought I had at least a few more weeks before it kicked the bucket." "Oh, that blows, sweetie. I can give you a ride, if you like." She offered. "If it's not too much trouble, I'd rather not have my friend driving this late." "No trouble at all, Ari, just give me a bit to finish my smoke and I'll take you home. Oh, and do you have everything you need from your car?" "If not, I'll just get it tomorrow." I said, looking back at my car and doing a double take of me possibly leaving anything that I needed. Once she was done with her cigarette, we got into her car and drove off onto the freeway. Along the drive she looked as though she were juggling a few thoughts. "Something on your mind?" I asked. "Huh?" She said, snapping back into reality. "Oh, no... Not exactly." "Not exactly?" I asked for clarification. "Well, I was thinking, I could use a friend tonight... Someone to keep me company. I was thinking of just having you spend a night with me at my place." She said, her voice seemed uncertain of something. "Want to tell me what's going on?" I asked. She bit her lip before answering. "I just need someone to talk to, if just for a little while. You're one of the few people I know that will be upfront with me." "Well... I guess I could. I'll just need to let Abby know." I said taking my phone out to text her. "Thank you, Aria." She said placing a hand on my leg and smiling at me for a brief moment. "Anytime, love." I smiled back. For the remainder of the trip, we just chitchatted about nonsense like celebrities, and TV shows. Her home was a nice little grey house built into a suburban neighborhood. She led me inside and the smell was like freshly cut fruit. She had several pictures up, mostly from her parties and vacations with family and friends. She helped me out of my jacket and hung it up in her closet by the front door. "Want anything to drink?" She ... offered. "Uhm, no thank you." I replied, smiling at her. "I was thinking you might want a drink or two to unwind, girl like you must get the thirst when you're constantly serving them?" "Well, I suppose a drink or two would be nice." In all honesty, it had been a while since I had a decent drink. "Well, let me get into something more comfortable and I'll whip up something to help us both relax. I have a few sweat pants that would be more comfortable than those jeans you have." Generally I sleep in just my boxers. I despise panties but with how cold I felt some sweat pants would be nice. "Well aren't you spoiling me," I said smiling. "You're my guest, sweetie. I make sure my guests are cared for." We smiled at one another for a moment and she walked off to change. I checked my phone and saw my friend, Abby, had gotten my text. She asked if I had gotten lucky, but I told her Tabitha isn't into me, she was just being a friend. Abby begged to differ, saying that Tabitha had seen an opportunity to get me alone. I wasn't going to assume one way or the other, but what would I say if that's what Tabitha was looking for? I had never been with another woman, but I wasn't totally turned off by the idea. I've always been open-minded and willing to experiment, but what if I disappointed her? What if I hurt her feelings? I cared about her, but I couldn't fathom hurting her... No. No! I had to keep myself collected, not dally on what if's that Abby was more than likely just teasing me with. Tabitha returned and placed the sweatpants on the table in front of me. I noticed she was wearing just panties and a silky looking night gown. I was in awe of her slightly exposed breasts... Even without anything on, they remained perfectly firm. I had seen them before, of course, but not this close... Not while it was just the two of us. "Oh!" She covered herself up, "Sorry, I'm used to not tying it when I wear it." "I've seen you naked before, love. It's fine," I said, giggling innocently. "Oh, very true. You don't mind then?" "It's your home." She smiled at me and removed her arms from her chest and turned to go into the kitchen. While she was making our drinks, I slipped out of my jeans and even kicked my boxers off. I slid into the soft sweatpants and heard her ask me if I prefer ginger ale or coke. "Ginger Ale." She nodded and resumed mixing her concoctions. I sat back down, feeling more relaxed being in pants that allowed me to actually stretch out. She returned with the drinks, handing one to me and sitting down beside me. I took a sip and was amazed that I couldn't even taste the alcohol. "Is it to your liking?" She asked. "It's brilliant. What is in it exactly?" I said, impressed at her mix. "You should be a bartender with Brad and I." "And sit behind that bar, having drunks bark orders at me? I'll pass, sweetie. "I just used apple vodka, Captain Morgan silver(or was it white?), added in a dab of Tequila and used Ginger ale as the filter." "I love it." I said ... taking another drink. "So tell me, what is on your mind, Tabitha?" She pursed her lips and took a drink, before setting it down and looking at me. She seemed unsure of what to say initially, but I took her hand and smiled at her. "I'm not rushing you, love. Take your time." She looked into my eyes and smiled weakly. "There's uhm... Nothing wrong, really. Nothing serious at least. I just wanted to get you alone with me." I tried processing what she had just said. Technically she hadn't lied to me. Was Abby correct in her assumption? "You're a very pretty girl, Aria." She said caressing my cheek. "Have you ever thought about other women before?" "Oh... Uhm... Not really, but I... Wow, I'm rather speechless at the moment." She simply giggled. "Well, let's have a bit more to drink and we'll have a more comfortable discussion. I want you to feel relaxed. I'm not going to impose or force you into anything." She said placing a hand on mine. "You're my friend and I want you to be honest with me. Don't be ashamed of telling me anything, okay." I smiled. "Okay." After the both of us went through about 2 more glasses, we were both rather tipsy. Though, I think I was more far gone than her, not to the point of me slurring my speech, but definitely enough to make me incapable of driving. We discussed some of the more oddballs that had come into the club, along with Tabitha's first time with another woman. She had been a sophomore in high school and ended up sleeping with a senior she had known for a while. She went into details over the experience, smiling at reliving it in her head. She then scooted close to me and I simply smiled at her. "Aria..." She said, placing a hand on my thigh. "Yes, Tabitha?" I was nervous with how she had said my name and was looking at me. Still, I couldn't help but feel... Excited. She leaned in closer, moving her face towards mine. She did so slowly and took the glass from my hand and set it down on the table. She gently took my shoulders and laid me down on the couch. She then got in-between my legs and looked down at me, her breasts gently caressing the shirt I wore. I could feel her breath on my lips as I just laid there. My heart felt like it was going to explode, my nerves were rattling all over my body, and my brain was unsure of what was going on. Do I want this? Do I want to have sex with Tabitha? Before I could answer myself, Tabitha's lips found mine and she kissed me deeply and passionately. I moved a hand to her shoulder and tried pushing her away, She instantly registered that and backed off of me. "I'm sorry..." She said, still inches from me. "I just..." "No." I interjected. She looked at me and I gave out a pause before telling her "I liked it." "You did?" All of her fear had instantly faded away. I gave her a nod and she smiled and took my hands and placed them on the sides of her breasts. "Ever since I first met you, Aria, I've wanted you." She said, moaning as I felt along her soft and luscious breasts. "Why me?" ... I asked. "You're funny, sweet, and let's not forget to mention that adorable smile of yours." I felt my face turn red in shyness. "Aw, babe, don't feel ashamed." "Tabitha, I just feel..."She placed her hands on mine and guided one to her chest. "Feel my heartbeat? I am as nervous about this as you." I managed a weak smile and guided my hand up to her neck and along the side of her cheek. "Who said I was nervous?" I was lying, but I knew I wanted this. I wanted Tabitha. I pulled her back down to me and we continued kissing. Her hands firmly gripped my face and held me to her. I then felt her start to slide the sweatpants I was wearing down until they were at my knees. My heart raced even further as she rubbed a finger on my clit, making me moan into her mouth. The sensations coursing through my body made me want to lay here limply as she had her way with me. She broke our kiss and removed her gown and helped me get my shirt off, my small breasts being exposed to her. She smiled at me and moved down to kiss my left nipple. I ran my hand through her hair, my fingers combing through the auburn strands of silky hair. She then returned her hand to my crotch, shoving a single finger inside of me and massaging the walls of my dripping wet cunt. I was on fire, heat was rushing through my body as I felt intoxicated on her more than the drinks we had shared. She then moved to my other breast, sucking on it firmly and biting the nipple lightly. It hurt a bit, but I welcomed the pain. I moaned even more loudly as a second finger entered me and her thumb began massaging my clit. I was going to cum. I tried to compose myself, but my body wanted relief. I moaned loudly, my whole body tensing up as my body felt the swift rush of my orgasm. Tabitha released her mouth's grip over my breast and brushed my hair as my orgasm took me over. "Shit! Shit!" I shouted as Tabitha giggled. Slowly my body receded from the tensed up position I was in, my back slowly laying back down from its arched state. We laid there for a moment, looking at one another, Tabitha's breasts pressed onto my stomach as she rested her chin on my chest and ran her fingers over my arms. "I've never cummed that quickly before," I said, still reeling from the rush. "I didn't even use my tongue either." I looked down at her and she showed my how far out her tongue could go... "Bloody hell... Are you related to Gene Simmons?" That made her giggle. Her tongue barely fell off the tip of her chin. By my reckoning it was a good 3 inches out of her mouth. "Well, I can rock you with it." She slid up and kissed me, sending her tongue into my mouth. It felt like she was reached down my throat! I was so damn horny now... I wanted to cum again. I gagged a bit and she withdrew her tongue. "Hope you're ready for round 2, I'm nowhere near done with you, Aria." "I was hoping you would say that." We both smiled and she kissed down my chest and stomach. I knew what she was going to do now... That long tongue was ... going into my cunt. My body braced for it, anxious for how it would feel inside of me. She traced her tongue along my labia and bit my clit gently. I yelped when she bit it a little harder than expected, which made her say "That was a cute noise." She then ever so slowly slid her tongue into me. It felt like a damn elastic cock going into me. Her tongue moved all around inside of me, making me moan uncontrollably. My eyes rolled into the back of my head as her hands gripped my breasts and she pushed her mouth into my crotch, driving her tongue deep inside of me. I squirmed as I felt the rush again. She was working me like she knew how to stimulate my body at will. It was as if she was controlling these impulses and making me cum at her command. "Oh my God! Shit, that feels fucking good! Work that cunt! Oh fuck me!!!" I was in pure ecstasy. It was like I was experiencing sex for the first time again. This was something I had never dreamed of. My body again tensed up and my legs squeezed together, trapping her head in my crotch. My whole body squirmed as my hands search for something to grip. I moved one hand onto her head, tugging her hair, which made her lick me more aggressively. I tensed up as another orgasm over took me and moaned her name loudly. "Tabitha... Oh... Tabitha..." I sighed as the orgasm came to an end. My body was numb near my legs. I did not want to move at all, I just wanted to lay here and snuggle with this erotic goddess. She gave my cunt a few licks, cleaning up the juices that had leaked out and tenderly kissed my clit and all along my crotch. "I have one last thing I want to do to you." She said. "What is that?" I asked curiously. "Turn over." I did as she asked and she placed her hands upon my bum. I had an inkling as to what she had planned. "Such a nice, firm ass..." She said, kissing each cheek. She spread my legs slightly and I felt her tongue trace around my rosebud. "This feels rather queer..." I said. "Just wait a bit. I know you'll love this." She said, pressing her tongue into my bum. I moaned lightly, slowly starting to enjoy the feeling of it. She pressed her face down on my bum, pushing her tongue as deeply as she could into my arse. I moaned as I felt her tongue wiggle around inside. This was an odd feeling, but I felt aroused by it. I could feel my cunt leaking onto her couch as her tongue kept pushing itself into me. She gradually pulled her tongue out and I looked back at her and she smiled at me, lightly slapping both of my arse cheeks. She then moved off the couch and kneeled next to me and brushed my hair as my breathing began to steady and my heart settled down. She pecked my cheek and nestled her head to mine. "Want to go to bed, sweetie?" She asked me. "I don't feel like moving." I said laughing lightly. I tried sitting up, but I needed Tabitha's help. My whole body felt very tingly and she then scooped me up and had me wrap my legs and arms around her. We kissed as she slowly carried me to her bedroom. ... We crashed onto her bed and I tugged at her panties. "Take them off." I said. "Think you can make me cum, huh?" she teased. "I'll bloody strip the damn thing off, if you don't!" I said firmly. "Your accent really shines when you sound so demanding." She said, pecking my nose and removing her panties. Like me, she had a lightly trimmed bush. She then climbed over my head until her crotch was directly above me. I didn't want to wait any longer, I grabbed her thighs and pulled her down, my tongue stabbing into her cunt. She let out a surprised gasp and moaned as I licked inside of it. I continued like this for a moment until she called my name. "Babe, hold on a second," I reluctantly released my grip over her and laid back towards the pillows and patted the spot between her legs. "Come here, I'm going to teach you." I obeyed her command and rested my head on her thigh as she traced her finger along her labia. "Do as I did to you, lick along my labia, slowly making your way inwards as you go all the way around, You'll want to tease my body, it makes the orgasm that much more intense." I nodded and she moved her finger and I did as she said, slowly circling along her cunt until I had moved my tongue inside of her. "Tease it a little more, you're doing good so far, sweetie, but make it last, there's no need to rush it. A girl will enjoy you more if you build her up to an orgasm." I pulled my tongue back and licked my lips and looked up at her. She smiled warmly at me and I went back to teasing her cunt. She gently rubbed my head as I made my way to the center, dabbing my tongue slowly into her, licking along the walls. She moaned softly and I felt that my tongue needed some help. I took two fingers and rubbed along her cunt and slid them inside of her, moving them all around inside of her. "That's it baby... Keep going! Fuck!" She screamed as I moved my fingers faster and harder. I moved my mouth to her clit, flicking my tongue at it. She moaned my name loudly as her orgasm began to build up. She sat upright and looked down at me as I fingered her as fast as I could move my hand. She grabbed my head and pressed it to her as her body began rocking and shaking. She collapsed back and arched her body up as her orgasm took her over. She collapsed down, her breathing uneven as she bit onto her finger and laughed lightly. "Oh, Aria..." I smiled at her as we exchanged looks. "Did you enjoy that?" I asked. "I did, sweetie. You're a quick learner!" We smiled and she pulled me on top of her and we began kissing, She wrapped her arms around me, pressing my body firmly to hers and when we broke the kiss, she pulled the covers over us and I laid there, my head on her chest, her right breast just across from my face. "That was amazing, Tabitha," I said to her. "I'm happy you enjoyed that, sweetie. You're a good fuck." I chuckled as she kissed my head. "Not your best, I take it?" I asked, curiously. "You'll get better with practice, I certainly won't forget this night ... anytime soon." "So is this it then? Just this one night?" I asked her. "With you? No, I was hoping you'd want more, sweetie." "Don't get me wrong... I enjoyed tonight immensely, but still..." "Yes?" She asked. "I'll think on it, is that fair?" I looked up at her. "It's all I can ask for sweetie." She replied. We snuggled together and fell asleep in her bed. The next morning, she made us both coffee and I called a friend of mine to help me tow my car out of the lot and to an auto shop. Tabitha drove me to the lot and agreed to wait with me. While we sat in her car, we shared a few kisses and talked casually to each other. I wasn't sure how much I would get into a friends with benefits relationship with her, especially since I was starting to feel affectionate towards her. As soon as the tow truck arrived, we said out goodbyes, sharing a long impassioned kiss. I watched her leave and hoped into the tow truck. Sadly, any relationship between us would not blossom as I found out the next day, she had been arrested for prostitution. Apparently she had solicited sex with an undercover cop and also had a bag of pot on her. She was released on bail, but I never heard from her again after the owner of the club we worked at fired her. I wasn't too miffed over her lying to me and I did get myself tested, which thankfully all results came back negative. Still, after that night, I started looking at women differently. I don't want to toss a label on myself by saying I turned bisexual, but that night certainly opened my mind to the possibility of becoming romantically involved with women. I love who I love and that's how I feel.[/017][/082][/082]



