That time when they just knew you needed a pick me up! 😊🙌💋 #goodfriends# #worksucked#goodfriends#tastetherainbow#goodfriends#sheknowsme#
Trying so hard to adult today... Not too sure I want to though. #lovemybestie# #lesbehonest#lovemybestie#equal#lovemybestie#hatemondays#
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sassy_A: did u want the new episode?
When this is your view!! 🙌🏻👍🏻💯 Only thing that would make it better is sharing it with someone. #lesbihonest# #lovethisplace#lesbihonest#hikefordays#
This song tho.. Can't stop listening to it. #girlcrush# #music#girlcrush#lesbihonest#girlcrush#loveit#
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Tess: I love that song!!
When your best friend gives you loves to say goodbye... I'm going to miss this face.. Come home quick. #wearewhoweare# #willtomygrace#wearewhoweare#equal#wearewhoweare#bff#willtomygrace#lovethis#
Spent my morning hiking.. Best way to clear your mind. If we were meant to be, we would be. I'm not in it for the games. That's all she does is play games.. #notworthit# #needarealwoman#notworthit#adventures#notworthit#proud#
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Lil Bit: Stay proud beautiful!
Had an almost perfect day fishing today. The views were amazing, the fishing was amazing. The only thing missing was someone special to enjoy it all with. #lesbihonest# #sitesfordays#lesbihonest#cloudporn#lesbihonest#adventures#sitesfordays#thegreatoutdoors#