
What is pansexuality

2024-02-01 10:02 发布

What is pansexuality?

Pansexuality is a sexual orientation that usually refers to a person's ability to feel romantic or sexual attraction to people of multiple genders. Many people who self-identify as non-binary, who have sex or attachment objects that are non-binary, and who engage in non-conventional sexual behavior choose to use the term pansexual to describe their identity.

Compared with gay, straight, bisexual and other sexual orientation, pansexuality is less visible and easily ignored in the sexual minority community. In terms of protecting the rights and interests of groups with different sexual orientations, China has made international commitments and adopted a number of laws and policies to protect the rights and interests of sexual minorities in various fields such as elections, employment and education, but there is still room for progress.

History of the term pansexual

The term pansexual was first used in 1917 as a criticism of Freud's view that the sexual instinct plays a dominant role in all human mental and physical activities. However, the term was not widely accepted or used at the time. It was not until 1972 that pansexuality, as a term of sexual identity "not limited by gender in the choice of sexual or attachment objects," emerged.

In the early 1990s, with increased social attention to sexual minorities, pansexuality as an emerging identity term began to be more widely understood and used. This concept emphasizes the individual's openness and inclusiveness towards all genders, expressing their feelings and desires without any restrictions.

It is important to note that although the term pansexual is not very old, discussions and research on gender and sexual orientation have been going on for a long time. In different historical and cultural contexts, people's awareness, understanding and acceptance of sexual minorities vary.


The difference between pansexuality and homosexuality

There is a clear distinction between pansexual and homosexual sexuality.

First, pansexuality is a sexual orientation that refers to a person's ability to feel romantic or sexual attraction to people of multiple genders. This sexual orientation has nothing to do with one's gender identity, but rather emphasizes one's feelings and experiences for all genders. In contrast, homosexual sex refers to sexual activity with the same sex. As a result, pansexuality is a broader category that includes how individuals feel and express themselves about all genders.

Secondly, the social acceptability of the two is also different. For historical and cultural reasons, same-sex sexual activity is still restricted and treated unequally in many countries and regions. As a result, many people choose to avoid or only engage in gay sex in certain situations and relationships. Pansexuality, on the other hand, puts more emphasis on the openness and tolerance of individuals to all genders, and expresses their feelings and desires without any restrictions.

In short, pansexuality is a broader sexual orientation that includes how individuals feel and express themselves about all genders. Homosexuality, on the other hand, refers to sexual activity with the same gender, which is socially acceptable and limited in scope.

Whether you are pansexual, or gay, or any gender orientation, you have the right to enter the community, it is just a small gap, beautiful never qualitative, you are the same.




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