a cup of hot coffee with the melody of rain fall. my kinda metime
#raining on public holiday# #slomo#raining on public holiday#metime#
whole damn long weekend on new year eves got stranded at home.. finally get to go back office.. for that 1 week.. mco 2.0.. gotta work on our super messy desk again.. covid please go back to your planet. earth is not your playground..
#malaysiamco2.0# # #
what happened last week..
26th got called close contact. 30th arranged test.
31.. 1.. 2..3.. no call no pick up no news... 4th finally picked up and its tested negative.. glad that I'm safe but not so happy for the slow action and wasted my time doing nothing but stay at home quarantine( result not out, nowhere you can go with the wristband) 5th arranged to go back authority cut wristband.. and im free again.
virus is still everywhere. please be safe and be clean
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NichKheHole: be safe and take care yo. even we tested negative but out there still dangerous
can the authority work faster.. so I can get rid or this...
#imfine #justnopatience