Luved u so much, Why you walked out my life?🥺
#Happy Valentine Day!# #Heart Break#Happy Valentine Day!#sad#Happy Valentine Day!#i love you#
Why talk to me if you had someone already
This feelings always right, something is wrong
I don’t want to see her or want to talk
It is waste of my time to listen because she have already slept with him
Please, don’t try and just move on. I can only tell you this once, this heart is broken
It will never be fixed but It will only be replace with someone.
Burn this memories🔥
#cheating# #broken#cheating#hurt#

⧛U⧚: ho , Thikcha ma feri Timlai gaidin chu ni 😉
I wanted to be a cute dog 🐶 so I can be adopted
#Pets&Animals# #ShowMyPets#Pets&Animals#selfie#
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Annie Jiejie: min...10-16years commitment.... full responsibility..... before you do it must think .... and your house conditions
1 人赞

⧛U⧚: 😂 Yesh, yo chai best scene ani meaningful.
“I love you”
#LesPark Lover Story# #dating#LesPark Lover Story#In Search Of:Love&Dating.#
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⧛U⧚: Ohh maile bhaneko, yw 😉