What if I could never find another person like you again? What if she wouldn't be as caring and funny as you? I wonder how were your parents taught you to be such a lady when you were young! I remember I asked you the question twice but you never answered me. So I know I'm just a friend and I can't be someone special because you don't like women..
今天終於要跟她分開了,捨不得,放不下,有點難過...可是没辨法,也許之后可以再會。我越過友情線,我動了心,不應該。但是我回復了愛的能力,我糾結了,我放棄了...我把它轉變回友情,試着告诉自已,從友情的角道看着她,這樣我才可以永遠得到她...是嗎!? Thank you brighten my cloudy days in BCT, I'll remember those nights @FTX looking for shooting stars!
你就是不跟我合照,不給我照,而其他人怎樣照也可以,不公平!朋友都看不過眼我們的打罵玩笑,我們照玩不誤。你說笑的問我是不是愛上了你,我偏偏不正面回答你,相反的去試探你的回應。但是我想結果不會是我想的那樣!所以現在已经學着慢慢放手,分散注意。只希望你不是后知后覺或者你也在doubting your feeling too. 我會找到我想要的,你也要—樣!
我發現她總是比較親近我,見到我和其他人同在,她總会拖拉我手,不論他人看見与否她總是会把頭靠我臂,又问我为何都没想她,我怎能不誤会?我会不会死得好慘?我不想再玩火,更不想失去跟她的友好关係。I'm damn!
I asked her " Do you know what you like in a person?"
She said " I know what I don't like, I like you but I don't like women. " I think she doesn't know I like her that much but she knows I care about her in some levels.
So, I better keep our distance, hold back my attention to her. And we are going to go apart in 2 days. Take care!
#Wishlistfor2016# Go to EDC, meet my special someone and count down to 2017 together in NYC again! Happy New Year ladies! wish you all have a safe and amazing new beginning in 2016!!
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tyty: thank you..I hope you can do it all, but I can count down to 2017 with you if you need me to...
#MerryChristmas# saw many butches around Rockefeller Center yesterday, but where are all those femmes and P?! All invisible like me.
#MerryChristmas##MerryChristmas# trapping at someone's home for the entire day and doing nothing but movies. I really shouldn't came to this place at first, waste of time, I'm so bored!
#californiagirl# is temporarily in NYC for holiday looking forward to a white Christmas, it's a disappointment here... warm like CA... oh no! [/013]