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I'm still here no matter what #waitingforyou #wishingAbreakUpsoonforBothofyou[/001] #wishingAbreakUpsoonforBothofyou[/001] #imgoingtogetyouNoMatterWhat[/035] #pakawalanMoLang-MalasMo
I just want something real and long lasting. Often wonder when will i find someone to love and to cherish. Someone who will love me for who i am just as i will love and respect her for who she is someone who can be silly with. I want to be able to make her laugh and smile because when i do, i know I'm doing something right. Her happiness will be my number one priority so i would do whatever it takes to make sure that she is always smiling. I want us to be best friends and lovers at the same time so we can confide in and trust each other. Of course i believe in honesty is the best policy so i would always be upfront with her because she deserves the truth. If i mess up i would do whatever it takes to correct my mistake, whether its staying on the phone all night to talk it out or holding her in my arms. Because i would not want her to sleep mad. Thing is i would never give up on US cos i want to let her know she is worth the fight. I want to assure her that no matter what i am always going to be by her side because she means everything to me. She will be my everything.whether this will be long distance or near relationship. It would not change how i feel about her because the love i feel would be true and through all adversity i know we will make it because our hearts are calling each other. I just hope i find you soon. Maybe we already met you or maybe i have yet to meet you. But when i do i know it will be worth the wait #waitingforyou# # #

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