961 คนเข้าร่วม
You like wine, i like tea.
You like the mountain, i like the sea
You are an early bird, i am a late owl
You are an introvert, i am an extrovert
You like to exercise, i like to eat 😬
What do you do when you and your partner is a direct opposite of each other? The way you think, act and resolve matters are different. The way you value time, friendship, family and finance is different.
Here are 5 ways to meet mid-way.
1) Acknowledge your differences.
- no two people is the same
2) Share your preference style of communication and way of life
- talk through and ask each other how do they feel more love or want to be communicated.
Eg: “i don’t feel appreciated when you say / do this.” “Can you speak softer when we are arguing?” “Can i have some space to process my thoughts before we decide on a solution?”
3) Listen and understand the intention with love, patience and kindness.
- Be respectful, don’t judge
4) Accept that it is unlikely for both of you to change immediately. (Or will never change 😬)
- be prepared to remind again and again
- be prepared to forgive 99x
5) Be open and Enjoy the opposite beauty of things you never saw.
- Your partner may surprise you with new things you never knew.
- You could be experiencing the best relationship combination to bring out the best in you.
All the best!
#relationship# #lovewins#relationship#loveandfinance#relationship#communications#lovewins#ldr# #oppositeattracts#

ดูทั้งหมด 4 คอมเมนต์
红豆冰不要冰: nice sharing onnieb😃
What’s on your plate?
Some things are things that you can never do. But there are still many things that you CAN do.
Do the things that you can,
begin from there…. N slay 2023 your own way…
#new2023# #old2022#new2023#relationship#new2023#goals#old2022#thoughts#new2023#justdoit# #old2022# #relationship# # #

😎: 2023 huat ah!

为什么那么多平平淡淡的感情,能够一点一滴的陪伴到最后。除了已经习惯的,其余的都是对彼此感情的负责。感情是可以培养, 缺点可以改正, 性格可以磨合, 默契可以沟通。只要有爱,什么都可以,唯独不爱,就一定什么都不可以。
#love# #relationship#love#compromise#love#patience# #爱#

One of the art of leadership is the ability to stay calm, stern yet warm all at the same time.
Saying goodbyes in May.
#weekendmood# #leadership#weekendmood#relationship#weekendmood#lovewins#leadership#positivevibes#

The right one will always appear at the right time #righttime# #timing#righttime#relationship#righttime#life#

感情關係在乎Give and take…
- 智能愛人-
There are givers and takers.
A relationship only works when both people are givers.
Because a giver will eventually become empty and a taker will never become full.

ดูทั้งหมด 7 คอมเมนต์
CrazyJo: Dun kopi meow me…but then in relationships always good to have both but nothing is fair..always will b one party giving more 😜