598 คนเข้าร่วม
The optimal way to safeguard oneself lies in never overestimating one's weight in others' hearts. What can wound you is never others' callousness but rather your insistent clinging to illusions. Cut your losses promptly. Don't harbor hopes, don't anticipate, don't rely on, and thus you won't be let down. You might think that missing out is a regret, yet in truth, it could be an escape from disaster. Don't be overly greedy. You can't possess everything. Nor be disheartened. You can't have nothing at all.
What we desire and what we don't desire are inferior to
being wholeheartedly willing. What we gain and what we
don't gain are less than being at peace with what we have.
#我眼中的秋天# # #

Shanghai 2024
What I liked about Shanghai is the general cleanliness. Air was much cleaner than expected due to most vehicles being EV. Hardly any fumes and excess heat. What I didn't like was my timing which is super peak in China. Too many people 😂 #vacation# # #
Travelling in Shanghai #Shanghai# #重庆Chongqing#Shanghai#lesbian#Shanghai#brazilian#重庆Chongqing#single# #latina#

不管是李李、玲子、還是汪小姐,三個時代女子身上,各有一些些小小的影子,讓我憶起那個美好年代的自己。王家衛暗色調裡未曾謀面過的上海,倒是撩起了我的一絲嚮往。很想嚐嚐鮮肉月餅、蔥油麵、跟排骨年糕,地道的滋味。 #Shanghai# #东方明珠#Shanghai#繁花#
