#30+ Community#
15768 คนเข้าร่วม
More mature, more stable, more experienced. Tell your story here and meet more friends.


Love takes courage💚 Love is not for cowards. You have to shed that pretentious, protective layer you wear for the world. You have to bare your soul out. You need to open up to a person in full faith, in blind trust. Of course, it's scary to bare your scars, your old wounds. It is terrifying to reveal your vulnerable side where you accept what scares you, what makes you go numb, and what keeps you awake at night. The easiest thing is to stay in your comfort zone, to keep everything buried in your chest, and to focus on your own life alone in peace. The hard thing is to keep your mess aside to lighten up your lover's world, to make them smile even when your own heart aches for its past horrors. It takes great courage to trust a human being again, knowing that it can break your heart into a million pieces. It takes courage to take responsibility of another human being as your own. So don't expect this courage from cowards who are good only at touching your skin or hurting your heart with theirs toxic behaviour. Wait for a brave heart who can touch deep into your soul and adores your loving heart. Remember, Love is the craziest thing that can ever make sense.✨ #loveislove# #30+ Community#loveislove#truelove#
Silverwolf: Is not a matter of putting the pain from your past aside, its a matter of if they are brave enough, they will carry that weight with you, your insecurities, your good and bad, they will be ready to accept everything. So, if you are in pain its not that you gotta play pretend cause they know, but share with them, cause they share your pain. In fact some may even regret not being there, meeting you earlier, but since they can't, the only thing they can do is to listen and support it, cause love is sharing, is accepting our vulnerable side, being ourselves. A place to stop pretending, because it is for the good and the bad
Always tell people what's their place in your life. And ask for your place in their life as well. Life is too short to live in doubts and insecurities.✨ #beyourself# #30+ Community#beyourself#positivevibes#
ดูทั้งหมด 8 คอมเมนต์
Dα Vιɳƈιˣʸ🍃: @66b4a5e01e3467236c3f898d help me translate. hindi ku alam
We women support other women unconditionally, And as much also, we women are the major reason why another woman suffers.✨ #Why are you single# #30+ Community#Why are you single#alone#
ดูทั้งหมด 4 คอมเมนต์
Ms.IDGAF🦋: is this the Admirer that I'm Admiring🤭
The past issues are meant to teach you, not to hold you back. Think of it as a school, where every lesson helps you grow, so learn from it, And remember, it's not your home - don't stay stuck there, Learn to return your home, move forward and create a better future.✨ #30+ Community# #daily#30+ Community#positivevibes#
ดูทั้งหมด 6 คอมเมนต์
Silverwolf: Let's see how to manage that 😅
Many misunderstandings, conflicts, and relationship issues can be resolved by taking the time to see situations from each other's perspective. It is very important to look at the world from the perspective of others because what someone is going through, what's their background, what baggage are they carrying, we can't understand all this until we step into their shoes. Unless we are in their shoes, we will never be able to understand what space they come from.✨ #beyourself# #positivevibes#beyourself#30+ Community#
ดูทั้งหมด 3 คอมเมนต์
Oxyyyyy❤️‍🔥: pretty, shots Puno😅🥃🤣
"You just need one person who understands you, just one. And that's enough." But We think that more people mean more fun, social life, parties, conversations, and more happiness. But the truth is that more people mean more mess. You don't need a phone full of contacts. You just need one heart, that have full of love just for you. But question is one person really enough? Yes, Ofc, You need to understand that it’s a blessing to find someone whose heartstrings are entwined with yours. Because everyone can listen to your words and have a conversation. But it takes a special, deep connection to understand your silence. It takes great, pure love to ignore your happy words and listen to your sad eyes. It takes real care to make you smile at your lowest. And for all that, one genuine person is enough. But usually what happens is that we start taking that person for granted. We seek that purity of love and care in others. And that’s how we ruin things. Don’t do that. Stick to your gold. Don’t run after glittery, fake diamonds. Don't seek too many flowers. You have your rose. Keep it close to your heart. And your soul will smile like a garden. ✨ #30+ Community# #loveislove#30+ Community#positivevibes#
ดูทั้งหมด 2 คอมเมนต์
Tashi 🐼: Nice nose 👃
Be a person who understands and does not judge. There's a big difference between someone who gets people's situations because they've been there and someone who knows nothing about how others feel and just jumps to quick conclusions. Choose to understand. Be understanding.✨ #30+ Community# #daily#30+ Community#positivevibes#
Dα Vιɳƈιˣʸ🍃: I just jump on my bed 💤


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