59 คนเข้าร่วม
So this thingy is just some of my recent thoughts:p
what is love what is family what is friendship?
to me it's kind of only a 关系when you're still alive and something to help us in our lives like make us feel happy feel comfort or like make us feel safe
but there's some kind of people missed used the relationship
like cheating hurting backstabbing blablabla etc
I don't know why they do it
they think it's fun because it makes them feel happy by hurting others
to me it's just something that disgust me
they're like the promotion thingy in the supermarket
bad quality,close to expire date and sour
yeah this kind of ppl enter urlife to let u learn life lesson
if someone don't appreciate you
just think them as the "expired" thing
but it's just sad when u give ur heart all to a expired product
I rather have one who cherish me
Ok my experience
Everyone around me likes to cheat like ewwww I feel so disgusting bcuz I know the feeling of getting hurt
Seeing someone around me getting hurt
Rmb if someone who finish my passage if u sad u just talk to me ill be there for ya although I might be stupid a bit:/
if u think ur a rubbish bcuz u get dump or anything
Believe me ur not!
one man trash is another man's treasure
(ok it's not the man it's the man who means human lol I don't like man:) )
ok another thing I don't know if someone will read this fully but
to me there's no need to have anxiety bcuz of your looks body shape skin colour . Everyone is the same if you did something wrong u will be sentence to jail anyway
the perfect person for you will not 嫌弃 you and think your noisy and blabla and will put effort in loving u
if everyone is the same there's no fun living in this world everyone is unique
ok :|
ok I don't know why i write this
enjoy life become a better person is the main point of life
if people treat u as spice of their life
just get out
so that their food is tasteless 8)
Or spice it up until they cry because of spiciness muahaha (sry a bit crazy)
k i am talkative I hope my passage help everyone whose down feel happy~
au revoir~