Yes or no. Can you survive without wifi?
ดูทั้งหมด 14 คอมเมนต์
mrekid: can I plug in directly to the lan? ;)
Most times I'm not even interested in hitting you up, some of you ladies are just really nice to look at haha [/016]
ดูทั้งหมด 2 คอมเมนต์
mrekid: Lol that explains a lot ;)
I wish there was a way for this app to highlight profiles you've already seen. Like for real, I pretty much look like a desperate stalker looking at the same profiles like 3 times..
ดูทั้งหมด 2 คอมเมนต์
Ebony: Somebody just blocked me for that!! 😂 I don't even realize when I'm looking at the same profile again lol
Me tonight #femme# #nomakeup#femme#natural#femme#curly#nomakeup#girlswholikegirls# #single#
I love when I can learn something from you.. I'm so attracted to someone who can teach me something interesting
nay: message. me
So many beautiful woman here who are too scared to respond.. Aren't my validations enough? lol
Bee: Women**