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What is semi-sexual?

Sep. 27, 2024, 10:00 AM Release

Semi-sexuality (Demisexuality) refers to a sexual orientation in which individuals feel sexually attracted only after establishing a deep emotional connection with others. Unlike traditional heterosexuality, homosexuality, or bisexuality, semi-sexuality is usually not immediately sexually attracted to someone because of their appearance, size, or other superficial features.On the contrary, they need to get along for a long time and in-depth understanding to establish a deep emotional bond in order to feel sexual attraction.

The term "semi-sexual" came to be known in the early 2000 s with the spread of the Internet and the rise of the LGBT + community. Before that, many semi-sexual people may not realize that their sexual orientation is different, or can't find the right words to describe their feelings. As more and more people begin to share their experiences,Semisexuality has gradually become a widely recognized sexual orientation.

  1. Emotional dependence: Semi-sexual people often need to establish a deep emotional connection with each other in order to feel sexually attracted. This emotional connection can be friendship, affection or romantic relationship. Once this connection is established, they may develop a strong sexual attraction to each other.

  2. Individual differences: Each half-sex person's experience is unique. Some people may need a very long time together to feel sexual attraction, while others may be able to build enough emotional foundation in a relatively short time.

  3. Non-immediacy: Unlike traditional sexual attraction, semi-sexual attraction is not instantaneous. They usually don't take a sexual interest in the person they meet for the first time, even if the person is very much in line with their aesthetic standards.

  4. Multi-dimensional: The emotional and sexual attraction of semi-sexual people may be multi-dimensional. They may feel a strong sexual attraction in some relationships, but not in others.

Breaking the flag of half-sex

One of the most beautiful things about Pride flags is their symbolism, and half-mast flags are no exception. It consists of four colors and shapes: White Stripes, purple stripes, gray stripes and a black triangle on the left side of the flag. If you know anything about asexual flags, you will find that the two have similar colors, but the half-sex flag has an extra black triangle.Colors and shapes represent different aspects of semi-sexual love. In other words, it's like a rainbow of sexuality and sexuality!


Gray stripe

Meaning: The gray stripes represent bisexuality and the gray area between sexuality and asexuality. In other words, it represents gray asexuality. This underscores the complexity and diversity of half-sexuality when it comes to sexual attraction.

White stripe

Meaning: The white stripes represent sexual activity, the sexual attraction that a semi-sexual person may feel after forming an emotional bond. This highlights the central role of emotional connection in the sexual attractiveness of semi-sexuals.

Purple stripes

Meaning: The purple stripe represents community and diversity within a semi-sexual community. Remember that you can identify as semi-sexual and have a completely different relationship with your gender and which gender you are attracted. Purple highlights the support and solidarity of the community.

Black triangle

Meaning: The black triangle you see to the left of the half-sex flag represents and honors the larger asexual community. This suggests a strong association between the semi-sexual and the asexual, as well as an identification and support for the entire spectrum of asexuality.

Semisexuality is a unique and complex sexual orientation that requires more attention and understanding from society. By raising awareness and support for semi-sexuality, we can help semi-sexuality better recognize themselves, build healthy relationships, and find their place in society. In the future, as more research and discussion unfolds,We have reason to believe that half-sex people will get more support and respect.

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