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Understanding Asexuality: Navigating Life Without Sexual Desire

Jan. 23, 2024, 5:09 PM Release

What is an asexual?

Asexuality refers to those who do not have sexual desire or declare that they have no sexual orientation, that is, they will not show sexual desire for either male or female sex, that is, lack of sexual impulse. Asexuals may have no desire to have sex with either men or women but may be attracted to one sex because of their gender or daily experiences.

Whether asexuality is a sexual orientation is controversial, but asexuals consider themselves distinct from abstinence and celibacy and generally have no religious affiliation. With the popularity of the Internet, various asexual communities began to form on the Internet and social media.

Am I asexual?

To determine if you are asexual, consider the following:

  1. Lack of sexual desire: Asexuals usually do not feel strong sexual desire or impulse, or are not interested in sexual activity. They may not have the desire to have sex with their partner, or may not be interested in it.

  2. Feelings of different sexual orientations: Asexuals may not feel strong attraction to a particular gender, or have no feelings for either gender. They may think of their feelings and relationships as being based on affection, friendship, or shared experiences, rather than sexual attraction.

  3. Attitudes and values towards sex: Asexuals often have an open and liberal attitude towards sex, believing that sex is not necessary for forming relationships or expressing themselves. They may emphasize relationships based on affection, friendship, and shared experiences, rather than sexual attraction.

Asexuality is a personal choice and feeling, not a fixed label or classification. Different people may have different feelings and attitudes about sex, and individual feelings may also change over time and experience. Therefore, determining one's own sexual orientation is a process of personal exploration and awareness that requires time, self-reflection and an open attitude.

Distinguish between asexuality and apathy

While both asexuals and asexual people may not be interested in sex, there are some important differences.

Asexuals are people who have no interest in or desire for sex, are not satisfied by any sexual activity, and are not frustrated by the lack of sexual activity. For asexuals, sex is not necessary or important, and they may choose not to have a sexual partner or choose to have pure friendships with friends of the opposite sex.

Sexual apathy refers to a temporary or long-term decline or disappearance of sexual interest, which can be caused by illness, psychological pressure, drug effects and other reasons. Asexual people have a negative attitude toward sex, and they may choose to avoid sex temporarily or for a long time, waiting until their physical or psychological condition improves before engaging in sex.

Therefore, asexual people's attitude toward sex is a kind of rejection or indifferent attitude, they believe that sex is not necessary or important, and the attitude of sexual apathetic people is a temporary or long-term negative attitude toward sex, they may choose to temporarily or long-term avoid sexual behavior.


Do asexuals want to fall in love?

Asexuals also want to fall in love.

Being in love is an emotional experience, not just a physical one. Even asexuals experience emotional expressions of love, including romantic feelings, intimate relationships, and mutual dependence. They just have relatively little or no sensitivity to physical desire, but this does not affect their pursuit and understanding of love.

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