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14 slang terms about lesbian

Nov. 06, 2024, 11:00 AM Release
  1. Gold Star (adjective): refers to a lesbian who has never had sexual intercourse with a male

  2. Celebian (noun): Celebrity Miss Les, Sister

  3. Pillow Princess (noun): I believe many people are familiar with this term. "Pillow Princess" refers to someone who only enjoys sexual services provided by their significant other and is only a passive partner

  4. Lipstick Lesbian: a very feminine girl. Commonly known as P

  5. Soft Butch (noun): Refers to a type of girl who generally exhibits a very masculine appearance, but still displays several female characteristics commonly known as "feminine T"

  6. Stone Butch (noun): Refers to extremely masculine girls commonly known as Iron T

  7. Chapstick Lesbian (noun): refers to girls who dress and have a temperament between men and women, usually dressed comfortably and appropriately. It's a bit like Soft Butch

  8. Baby Dyke (noun): refers to a young lady who recently came out of the closet

  9. Dykon (noun): Refers to a very popular celebrity in the Les group, revered as a Lala idol, but the celebrity themselves may not necessarily be Lala

  10. Bed Death (noun): Refers to a clich é d belief that a relationship between two women will ultimately lead to asexual activity

  11. Stud (noun): Refers to women who dominate sexual activity, usually people of color

  12. 100 Footer (noun): Used to describe those who look very strange and conform to people's stereotypes of queer people. You can see them from 100 feet away

  13. Cliterconference (noun): Refers to someone blocking your path and flirting, being intimate, or having sex with a girl you are interested in

  14. Dopplebanger (noun): Refers to people who like to look like themselves


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