Flight mode writing
When I was in my early 20s. Someone wise told me “Don’t settle for anything less than what you are called to do!”
We are so easily tempted to be comfortable in what we are used to. May it be our career, our specialisation in a certain area of our profession, our relationship, our attitude and our mindset. It is so easy to settle with familiarity and fear change.
At some point we stop challenging ourselves to dream bigger. We stop challenging status quo. We stop pushing boundaries and growth. We stop expanding experiences and just settle! … because it’s comfortable….
This post is a reminder for me not to settle to comfort and keep journeying to desire to live happy towards “a life that I’m called to do”… whatever that may be… :)
I hope this post challenge you to 勇敢一次. Find the best fit in where you should belong :)
#better me# #Love Letter#better me#daily life#better me#lovelife#

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MC: I think I have been practicing this too. Do you think so? 😁
Stop and Stare….
How often do we unplug from our daily life just to hear our inner desires, see visions, feel the passion and smell the purpose we are meant to be called towards.
I hope this CNY, we can all connect to our family, people we love and ourselves to re-adjust to a greater 2024. It’s not to late.
#record# #lovewins#record#ldr#record#travel#

😎: Sweet sweet
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红豆冰不要冰: 耐思🌻
If your heart sits right with your conscience,
Your mind will think right according to your heart… then your actions shows the value that started within your heart.
There is a saying that says “Guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it”.
#selflove# #loveandfinance#selflove#lovewins#

What are the reasons hindering a breakthrough in life?
1) Purpose - the bigger the purpose, the bigger the will power for you to move forward. If you don’t have one, find one or make one up. Our mind believe what we feed.
2) Discipline and consistency - will power alone is not enough, breakthrough has to comes with Action. Having the discipline and consistency to do the right thing over and over again grows habits
3) Self - control - this is different from discipline.self control can be in a form of saying “no” to temptations, distractions and lies/ doubts that will sway you off track. We see many successful people fall once they let their guard down. There are many noises in your life that will disrupt/ destroy you.
4) A fight buddy/ mentor - someone who will keep you on track in your growth towards breakthrough, motivate you, remind you of your bigger purpose and most importantly someone who prays with you
5) Celebrate - as Asians, we are our own best critics. Some, don’t celebrate anything cos we don’t want to jinx the good things. Learn to celebrate. It is worth it to celebrate milestones: big or small alike. After all, you want breakthrough to celebrate live better life. What is life without celebrations!
#lovelife# #couple#lovelife#lovewins#

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红豆冰不要冰: being motivational..
You like wine, i like tea.
You like the mountain, i like the sea
You are an early bird, i am a late owl
You are an introvert, i am an extrovert
You like to exercise, i like to eat 😬
What do you do when you and your partner is a direct opposite of each other? The way you think, act and resolve matters are different. The way you value time, friendship, family and finance is different.
Here are 5 ways to meet mid-way.
1) Acknowledge your differences.
- no two people is the same
2) Share your preference style of communication and way of life
- talk through and ask each other how do they feel more love or want to be communicated.
Eg: “i don’t feel appreciated when you say / do this.” “Can you speak softer when we are arguing?” “Can i have some space to process my thoughts before we decide on a solution?”
3) Listen and understand the intention with love, patience and kindness.
- Be respectful, don’t judge
4) Accept that it is unlikely for both of you to change immediately. (Or will never change 😬)
- be prepared to remind again and again
- be prepared to forgive 99x
5) Be open and Enjoy the opposite beauty of things you never saw.
- Your partner may surprise you with new things you never knew.
- You could be experiencing the best relationship combination to bring out the best in you.
All the best!
#relationship# #lovewins#relationship#loveandfinance#relationship#communications#lovewins#ldr# #oppositeattracts#

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红豆冰不要冰: nice sharing onnieb😃
Today’s thoughts:
Are every couple’s hope and dreams the same?
If you in a relationship, what are your hope and dreams as a couple?
If you are single, what are your hope and dreams with your future partner?
#lovelife# #dating#lovelife#couplelife#lovelife#lovewins#dating#loveandfinance#