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What is Bisexual phobia

Jan. 08, 2025, 10:13 AM Release

Biphobia refers to prejudice, discrimination, hostility, or fear towards bisexuals. Bisexual phobia not only includes negative emotions and unfair treatment towards bisexuals, but also involves misunderstandings and stigmatization of bisexual identity. This phobia may occur at various levels of society, including personal relationships, social groups, the workplace, and even cultural and media expressions.


The manifestations of bisexuality can be multifaceted, and common ones include:

Believing that bisexuality is not a true sexual orientation.

Invalidating the homosexual identity of bisexuals.

Believing that bisexual individuals have chaotic sexual lives or are "attractive to everyone".

The stereotype of bisexuals is that they are more likely to deceive their partners.

When bisexuals and heterosexuals are in a normal relationship, they are no longer considered queer.

Assuming that bisexuals have a preference for the opposite sex and will ultimately be with them.

Assuming that bisexuals are actually just homosexuals and "lie to themselves" and so on.

The consequences of bisexuality

Bisexual phobia may have a negative impact on the mental health and quality of life of bisexual individuals. Due to pressure from society, family, friends, and even within oneself, bisexual individuals may experience the following issues:

Psychological pressure: Bisexuals may feel isolated, misunderstood, or unable to fully integrate into a certain group.

Identity confusion and self doubt: Due to external denial and misunderstanding, bisexuals may begin to doubt their sexual orientation and even feel uncertain about their identity.

Interpersonal relationship difficulties: Due to the presence of bisexuality, bisexuals may encounter more difficulties in establishing and maintaining relationships, whether in the homosexual or heterosexual community.

How can we deal with bisexuality

Admitting that bisexuality is a real and widespread condition.

Don't be a bystander to hate crimes.

Addressing the issue of bisexuality within our community.

Provide a safe space for bisexuals.

Although some people admit to being bisexual and later admit to being homosexual, bisexuality still exists.

Examine our inner selves and understand our views on bisexuality.


Overall, bisexuality is a social issue that requires us to work together to reduce discrimination and misunderstandings towards bisexuals, and create a more inclusive and accepting society for diverse identities.

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